Author name: Laura Perry

CURE ’20: Make Some NOISE

Graduate Students in Potsdam

All members of the Clarkson faculty and staff community seeking successful pathways to research, scholarly and instructional goals with an emphasis on development of STEM Ed are encouraged to attend Clarkson’s Unconference Refresh Event – CURE 2020!  CURE returns after its 2019 inaugural event with a renewed focus of being a catalyst for planning and […]

Enrollment Open for RISE Cohorts II & III

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Instructors planning to teach Fall 2020 are invited to choose from one of two upcoming RISE Cohort start dates. Act now – please make your selection before May 15, 2020. Last month, the Provost’s Office and the Teaching & Learning Corner announced the launch of RISE: Reframing Instruction for Success Everywhere – an online course

Final Reminder: Adobe Connect accounts will sunset May 15, 2020

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This third, final notice follows two prior written communication distributions regarding information to Adobe Connect account holders preparing for upcoming plans around Zoom for online meetings and web conferencing at Clarkson. Early Spring 2020, the University announced plans it would choose Zoom as the official provider of full service online meeting platform and access to

Webinars: Success with Online Assessments

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As preparations for Spring term finals are underway, faculty looking for end of term guidance can tune in to a TLC hosted live, pop up webinar designed to help ensure success with conducting assessments online. Webinar Registration Join April 22 or April 29th, 12:00 pm EST for live webinar demonstrations and how-to’s.  Sessions include: How

Webinars: Success with Online Assessment

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As preparations for Spring term finals are underway, faculty looking for end of term guidance can tune in to a TLC hosted live, pop up webinar designed to help ensure success with conducting assessments online. Webinar Registration Join April 22 or April 29th, 12:00 pm EST for live webinar demonstrations and how-to’s.  Sessions include: How

Zoom Updates

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Last week, we shared guidance around safe, responsible use of Zoom in online meeting sessions. As we strive to inform our community of best practices, we bring you this timely, quick overview of Zoom’s latest releases along with new enhancements created specifically for ensuring the security and privacy of end users.  For more information, please

Web Tools Wednesday Webinar: Zoom Meeting Best Practices focus of new web resource

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Meeting in virtual spaces is not new, but doing it in the current environment and with Zoom as our partner is unprecedented. All participants have responsibility in ensuring safe, successful experiences when participating online. Clarkson’s Teaching & Learning Corner has prepared this resource as a guide for best practices when participating and hosting Zoom meetings. On

Zoom Meeting Best Practices focus of new web resource and Web Tools Wednesday Webinar THIS WEEK

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Meeting in virtual spaces is not new, but doing it in the current environment and with Zoom as our partner is unprecedented. All participants have responsibility in ensuring safe, successful experiences when participating online. Clarkson’s Teaching & Learning Corner has prepared this resource as a guide for best practices when participating and hosting Zoom meetings.

TLC Pop Up Webinar TODAY

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The Teaching & Learning Corner is offering a pop-up webinar series focused on instructional continuity. Faculty are encouraged to consider ways to continue teaching online in the event of a disruption. Presenters will offer best practices and resources for getting started. Learn about available tools that are known to make online learning a success and

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