OSL Welcomes Kristen Avery, Associate Director of Student Life

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

The Office of Student Life is excited to announce the arrival of our new Associate Director of Student Life, Kristen Avery! Kristen will co-advise CUSA Senate (student government), manage student organization budgets, direct student voter registration programs, and oversee student organization registration, recognition and conduct, including Greek organizations. Kristen will be the primary campus administrator […]

Windows 7 reaches “End of Life” on 1/14/202

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(Originally posted on 12/23/19) Network access from all university-owned computers running Windows 7 will be blocked beginning January 14, 2020.  As previously announced, Microsoft has scheduled the “End of Life” for Windows 7 on that date and leaving these machines on our network creates a significant security risk to the entire university community. If you

Catherine Avadikian Promoted to Director of Undergraduate Academic Advising Operations and Resources

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As an integral part of filling critical roles within the Office of the Provost, the President and Academic Leadership Cabinet members are pleased to announce the promotion of Catherine Avadikian to Director of Undergraduate Academic Advising Operations and Resources.With over 35 years of experience and service to Clarkson, Cathy will provide University-level undergraduate academic advising

Clarkson Receives Grant For Food Waste Education Program

Undergrad Students

Constellation, an Exelon Company and a leading competitive retail supplier of power, natural gas and energy products for homes and businesses across the U.S., has awarded Clarkson a $35,000 grant as a part of their E² Energy to Educate grant program. Constellation awarded $450,000 in grants to 20 hands-on STEM projects. These projects will reach

Faculty Prep Your Course for Semester Start Up

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Clarkson’s Teaching & Learning Corner (TLC) kindly reminds all instructors to take steps to ready their course for a successful semester.  Here’s How:  Check out this Checklist for a handy guide, complete with dates, links to How To articles and information for additional support. Remember: The Teaching & Learning Corner is available to faculty seeking support in course

Innovation Hub Ribbon Cutting Jan. 11

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Faculty and Staff –On Tuesday, over 180 faculty and staff gathered to be the first to tour the second floor of the newly renovated Innovation Hub. If you missed it or would like a second look, you are welcome to join President Collins for a brief student focused ribbon cutting on the second floor of

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