Where are Take It or Leave It tents on campus? Where do donations go once they leave campus?

Before you leave this semester, consider checking out the Take It or Leave It Tents. You could get some neat supplies and furniture for next semester for FREE rather than purchasing new items at the store! 

Each year, the Clarkson Take It of Leave It program diverts tons of valuable material from the landfill by diverting usable goods and materials to members of our community through local nonprofits. Please consider donating and/or volunteering this Spring during the student move-out season!  Faculty and Staff participation is highly encouraged!

Once donations are brought to the large tent, students are encouraged to take items that they would like to  reuse. After students leave campus and the large tent gets taken down, the remainder of the items left at the TILI tent will be donated to non-profit organizations such as Helping Hands, Potsdam Neighborhood Center, Lending Cupboard, etc. 

The large TILI tent will be set up on the southlawn of the ERC from Friday, May 7th until May 17th. You can drop off materials directly at this tent on work days between 10am – 4pm. 

Attached is a map of where you can find take it or leave it tents and what dates they will be available in those locations. The tents will start in dorm housing (at the pit, the quad, new dorms, and moore) and will then move to apartment housing (Riverside, Townhouses, Woodstock) and on campus frat housing.

*If you live off campus, please donate directly to the large tent mentioned above.

Reach out to Alex French or Chloe Gatulik with any questions. 

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