Factors in Municipal Planning Systems Participation: FR 7/22 830 AM

What Drives Participation in Sustainable Holistic Planning Systems? Thesis Defense – Ben Buck, Candidate for MS in Environmental Policy, Clarkson University Fri Aug. 22, 830 AM Snell 177 (Clarkson Snell Hall) and on Zoom: https://clarkson.zoom.us/j/93237223894?pwd=dG5yTHJBZnBpbDR4c01TNEdrZWxLdz09. Abstract Coordinated climate action at the community level is one of the many strategies needed to mitigate and adapt to global … Continue reading Factors in Municipal Planning Systems Participation: FR 7/22 830 AM

Factors in Municipal Planning Systems Participation: FR 7/22 830 AM

What Drives Participation in Sustainable Holistic Planning Systems? Thesis Defense – Ben Buck, Candidate for MS in Environmental Policy, Clarkson University Fri Aug. 22, 830 AM Snell 177 (Clarkson Snell Hall) and on Zoom: https://clarkson.zoom.us/j/93237223894?pwd=dG5yTHJBZnBpbDR4c01TNEdrZWxLdz09. Abstract Coordinated climate action at the community level is one of the many strategies needed to mitigate and adapt to global … Continue reading Factors in Municipal Planning Systems Participation: FR 7/22 830 AM

Mechanical and Aerospace Seminar Today at 11am in CAMP 176

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Seminar Colby Mazzuca AeroWorks LLC Will present a talk titled: Computational Fluid Dynamics: Applications in Motorsports Abstract: This presentation will give an overview of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and its applications in the motorsports industry. Exploring how CFD is used within the aerodynamics group at GM Motorsports for its NASCAR program, this presentation … Continue reading Mechanical and Aerospace Seminar Today at 11am in CAMP 176

Reminder ECE Seminar Today, Friday April 22nd

Electrical & Computer Engineering Seminar David Hart, Vice President and Zheyuan Cheng, Principal Engineer, Protection, Control & Automation at Quanta Technologies Will present a talk entitled: Trends in the Utility Industry and New Technology Integration Abstract: Resilient, reliable, and efficient electrical grid operation is critical to society. The electrical power and energy industry is changing rapidly … Continue reading Reminder ECE Seminar Today, Friday April 22nd

Reminder, C3S2 Seminar Today Friday April 22nd

C3S2 The Clarkson Center for Complex Systems Science Rajarshi Roy University of Maryland, College Park Will present a talk entitled: Seeing the Light: Waves and Photons, Complexity and Randomness Abstract: Seeing the light is no simple task – it is accomplished with a complex system consisting of our eyes and brain, which we are only beginning … Continue reading Reminder, C3S2 Seminar Today Friday April 22nd