Back To School Cookout TOMORROW
The Back To School Cookout will be held tomorrow, Jan. 17, from 4:30 to 8:30 in Ross Brooks Dining Hall. Please see the document below for menu details. Cookout Menu
The Back To School Cookout will be held tomorrow, Jan. 17, from 4:30 to 8:30 in Ross Brooks Dining Hall. Please see the document below for menu details. Cookout Menu
A field study into smart housing at Clarkson University that has been ongoing since 2013 recently published its first results in the journal Environment and Behavior. Some students living in Woodstock Village, a newer, more efficient apartment style housing option on campus, were exposed to two tools used by those conducting the study to see
8-9 p.m. in the Student Center Forum: Jackbox Games, sponsored by CUB 9-11 p.m. in the Student Center Forum: Late Knight Movie: First Man, plus free popcorn, star-shaped cookie decorating, and candy! Sponsored by CUB, OSL, and Theta Phi Alpha.
Due to a scheduling conflict, this Friday’s comedian, Kiry Shabazz, is no longer performing in the Forum. Instead, CUB will be hosting Jackbox games from 8-9 p.m. Come with friends, meet CUB members, and find out more about what CUB does! Due to a change in the campus release date, A Star is Born is
Dear Campus Community Member, We are excited to launch our third climate survey for the Clarkson Community. As we continue to grow, we hope that you will take a few minutes to complete a survey designed to provide information about both positive and challenging aspects of our university climate. Since our last survey we have
The Controller’s Office will hold an expense report training session using the PeopleSoft Financials Expense Report homepage on Friday, January 18th, from 10:00-11:00 a.m. in BH Snell Computer Lab #239. This session will review creating and submitting expense reports. Although the session is geared toward One Card users, a One Card is not necessary for attendance. Please respond to Shawn Seymour at if you plan to attend.
Dear Associated Colleges Colleague, On behalf of SUNY Potsdam’s NEH Faculty Development Committee, I cordially invite you to submit an application for the upcoming 2019 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar, to be held at SUNY Potsdam from July 1 to July 17. This year’s seminar, “They call it culture”: Problems in the Encounter between
WANT TO INVEST IN THE NEXT GENERATION? INTERESTED IN BEING A FIRST ROBOTICS VOLUNTEER? Clarkson University will host FIRST LEGO League Championship Tournament THIS SATURDAY, January 19, 2019, from 7 – 4:30 pm. This year’s FIRST LEGO League (FLL) mission is: “INTO ORBIT” We will need dozens of volunteers to make these FIRST Robotics youth
Hello,Please post to faculty and staff tomorrow, 1/15, at all campuses: Dear Clarkson Faculty and Staff, REMINDER: The Clarkson University Libraries will kick off our spring workshop series today, Tuesday, January 15 at 5pm in Rowley 142 or remotely via Adobe Connect with our first workshop, Indulge at the Library: An Overdrive & E-book Workshop.
Dear Clarkson Students, REMINDER: The Clarkson University Libraries will kick off our spring workshop series today, Tuesday, January 15 at 5pm in Rowley 142 or remotely via Adobe Connect with our first workshop, Indulge at the Library: An Overdrive & E-book Workshop. Are you looking to do a little more leisure reading? Or are you